Relationship between other projects

Other tagging engines

Exuberant Ctags

The origin of Universal Ctags.


Geany is a small and lightweight IDE. Geany maintains their own tagging engine derived from ctags. We are looking for the way to merge or share the source code each other.


Geany has created a library out of ctags

Their language parsers have many improvements to various parsers. Changes known by devs worth backporting:

  • Various fixes for D parser (c.c), but currently the code diverges from ours to some extent.

They have these additional language parsers:

Software using ctags


Pygments is a generic syntax highlighter.

It can utilize tags file as input for making hyperlinks. However, Pygments just looks at names and lines in tags file. scopes and kinds are not used. See here for details.

As far as I (Masatake YAMATO) tried, using Pygments from ctags is not so useful. There are critical gap between ctags and Pygments. ctags focuses on identifiers. Pygments focuses on keywords.

GNU global

GNU global is a source code tagging system.

I (Masatake YAMATO) don’t inspect this much but GNU global uses ctags internally.

A person at GNU global project proposed an extension for the tags file format: See this ticket for details.

See also ‘Source code reading’ related sites.

GNU Source-highlight

GNU Source-highlight produces a document with syntax highlighting.

It can utilize tags file as input for making hyperlinks. See Generating References section for details.

I (Masatake YAMATO) have not tried the feature yet.


OpenGrok is a fast and usable source code search and cross reference engine.

I (Masatake YAMATO) don’t inspect this much but OpenGrok uses ctags internally.

Linux kernel

See linux/scripts/ of Linux kernel source tree. It utilizes c parser to the utmost limit.

Other interesting ctags repositories

There are several interesting repo’s with ctags around. These are interesting to integrate in the future.


VIM-Japan have some interesting things, especially regarding encoding.


Anjuta DevStudio is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on GNOME Desktop Environment and features a number of advanced programming facilities.

They did not fork Exuberant Ctags, but they did natively include it in Anjuta. They have made several additions to their version of it including fairly extensive Vala language support.


Tagbar is a Vim plugin that provides an easy way to browse the tags of the current file and get an overview of its structure.

This is a gold mine of optlibs.


Tracking other projects

This is working note for tracking activities other projects, especially activity at Exuberant Ctags.

I(Masatake YAMATO) consider tracking activities as the first class fruits of this project.

Exuberant Ctags


  • status

    Revisions up to <r815> are merged except:


    (Mon Sep 22 12:41:32 2014 by yamato)

  • howto

    => <git: local Universal Ctags repo>
    => <git: local Universal Ctags repo>
    1. prepare your own Universal Ctags repo: a local git repo cloned from github. You may know how to do it :)

      $ git clone
    2. prepare Exuberant Ctags SVN repo: a local git repo clone from Exuberant Ctags svn tree.

    The original clone is already part of Exuberant Ctags tree.

    To initialize your git repository with the required subversion information do

    $ git svn init
    $ git update-ref refs/remotes/git-svn refs/remotes/origin/sourceforge

    and then

    $ git svn fetch
    $ git svn rebase

    to get the latest changes and reflect it to the local copy.

    1. merge


    1. cherry-pick

      4.1. Make a branch at local Universal Ctags repo and switch to it.

      4.2. Do cherry-pick like:

      $ git cherry-pick -s -x c81a8ce

      You can find commit id on the another terminal <git: local Universal Ctags repo>:

      $ git log


      $ git log --oneline

      If conflicts are occurred in cherry-picking, you can abort/reset cherry-picking with:

      $ git reset --hard
      <git: local Universal Ctags repo>

      at the branch for picking.


<367> C++11 override makes a C++ member function declaration ignored

  • fixed in:


<366> --options=.ctags doesn’t work under Windows

  • fixed in:


<365> Selecting Python kinds is broken

  • fixed in:

  • discussed at #324.

<364> Ruby method on self is missing the trailing ? in the generated tag name

  • fixed in:


<363> Invalid C input file causes invalid read / heap overflow

  • it is not reproduced.

  • the test case is imported as parser-c.r/c-heapoverflow-sh-bug-363.d:

    $ make units UNITS=c-heapoverflow-sh-bug-363 VG=1

<361> Invalid C input file causes invalid read / heap overflow

  • it is not reproduced.

<360> Fails to parse annotation’s fields with default value

  • fixed in:


<358> Vim parser: Segmentation fault when reading empty vim file

  • directly contributed by the original author of bug report and patch:

  • it is fixed in sf, too:


<356> [python] mistakes module level attribute for class level attribute in module level if

  • fixed in:


<355> Error when parsing empty file (OCaml)

  • fixed in:


<341> Lua: “function f ()” whitespace

  • fixed in:


<341> Introducing ctags.conf.d

  • merged the improved version:


<271> regex callback is broken; <320> [PATCH] fix regex callback match count

  • merged patch (with updated bug number):


<177> Lua: “function” results in function tag (includes patch)

  • fixed in:



Tracking the tickets in patch tracker is quite fruitful. Patches are always there. So it is easy to evaluate the value:)





means the ticket is closed from the view of Exuberant Ctags tree developers. We don’t have to take time for this ticket.


means the ticket is still opened from the view of Exuberant Ctags tree developers. We don’t have to take time for this ticket.

<85> Add --encoding option to make utf-8 encoded tags file

  • contributed by the original author:


<84> C++11 new using semantics

  • solved by another implementation:


<83> New full non-regex PHP parser

  • contributed by the original author

<82> Support for comments in .ctags files

  • contributed by the original author:


<81> ocaml parser segfaults on invalid files

  • the bug is not reproduced

<80> Add support for falcon pl

  • contributed by the original author

<74> protobuf parser

  • Merged after getting approval from the original author

<67> Objective C language parser

  • This is the implementation we have in Universal Ctags tree.

<65> absoluteFilename uses strcpy on overlapping strings

  • Fixed in Universal Ctags tree, however the ticket is still open:


<64> Fix strcpy() misuse

  • Fixed in Universal Ctags tree, however the ticket is still open:


<55> TTCN-3 support

  • contributed by the original author

<51> Ada support

  • Ada support is now available in Universal Ctags tree:


<38> Ada support

  • Ada support is now available in Universal Ctags tree:


<33> Add basic ObjC support

  • This one is written in regexp.

  • we have better objc parser.

(1) bibtex parser

  • Reject because…

    • the owner of the ticket is anonymous.

    • the name of patch author is not written explicitly at the header of patch.

  • Alternative

devel mailing list (ctags-devel@sourceforge)

<[Ctags] Shebang with python3 instead of python> From: Martin Ueding <dev@ma…> - 2013-01-26 18:36:32

Added python, python2 and python3 as extensions of python parser:


<[Ctags-devel] Lack of fnmatch(3) in Windows> From: Frank Fesevur <ffes@us…> - 2013-08-24 20:25:47

There is no fnmatch() in the Windows C library. Therefore a string comparison is done in fileNameMatched() in strlist.c and patterns are not recognized:


<Re: [Ctags-devel] WindRes parser> From: Frank Fesevur <ffes@unns…> - 2013-08-30 21:23:50

A parser for Windows Resource files.


([Ctags-devel] Skip repeat PATH_SEPARATORs in relativeFilename()) From: Seth Dickson <whefxlr@gm…> - 2013-12-24 04:51:01

Looks interesting.


Some patches are maintained in ctags package of Fedora. Inventory of patches are


This patch was merged in Universal Ctags git tree:



This patch was merged in Universal Ctags git tree:



Not in Universal Ctags tree.

The reproducer is attached to the following page:

However, Universal Ctags doesn’t reproduce with it.

I, Masatake YAMATO, read the patch. However, I don’t understand the patch.


This patch was merged in Universal Ctags git tree:



This patch was merged in Exuberant Ctags svn tree. As the result this patch is in Universal Ctags tree:



This patch was merged in Exuberant Ctags svn tree. As the result this patch is in Universal Ctags tree:



This patch was merged in Exuberant Ctags svn tree. As the result this patch is in Universal Ctags tree:



Some patches are maintained in ctags package of Debian. Inventory of patches are


Universal Ctags tags Y in import X as Y and Z in from X import Y as Z as definition tags. They are turned on by default. The others are tagged as reference tags. reference tags are recorded only when “r” extra tags are enabled. e.g. --extras=+r.


This patch was merged as an alternative for 7fb36a2f4690374526e9e7ef4f1e24800b6914ec

Discussed on
